A thousand cuts 2012
A thousand cuts 2012

a thousand cuts 2012

My face is a little red this morning having printed what we now know is a false story about the imminent indictment of South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley for tax fraud relating to the construction of a Sikh temple involving her family. In a mea culpa article the next day, Moran wrote: Fraud is alleged in the handling of the contracts. Specifically, the investigation that is currently underway centers on a Sikh temple built by her father, that she managed the finances for as late as 2003. South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley may be in trouble with the IRS. The next day, a writer for the American Thinker website, Rick Moran, picked up the story, claiming that A highly-ranked federal official has also privately confirmed rumblings of an investigation and possible indictment of the governor, though the official was not aware of the specific timeframe. Nikki Haley on charges of tax fraud as early as this week. Department of Justice to issue an indictment against South Carolina Gov. Two well-placed legal experts have independently told Palmetto Public Record they expect the U.S. A writer for the Palmetto Public Record website asserted: Then, late last week, new rumors crescendoed of an indictment that was purportedly forthcoming. The Department of Justice eventually dropped the case, and late last month, a circuit court ruled that there were “no ethics violations” in the actions taken by the governor. Lest we forget, it was claimed that the governor had misused health-care-reform funds this case made national news when a Democratic congressman piled on. Since her election, legal and ethics challenges have regularly been filed against her. The rumors have been constant and rampant.

a thousand cuts 2012 a thousand cuts 2012

Speculation about the potential downfall of Governor Nikki Haley of South Carolina has spanned her entire tenure.

A thousand cuts 2012